Chloe Nycole has arrived. My sister in law went in last night. She was dilated to 4cm and they started her on Pitocin. I was at work but my brother kept sending text updates. They started the epidural around 11 and they both slept through the night. Around 530 she was dilated to 8cm and her water broke. At 8am she was dilated to 10 and they were just waiting for baby's head to drop. She started pushing around 8:20 and Chloe Nycole arrived at 8:42 am. She weighed 7lbs 8oz. and is 19 and half inches long. Mommy and baby have both been checked out by their doctors and are doing good. The rest of the family can't wait to meet her. Her grammy and auntie Jen love her already.
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