Friday, March 27, 2009

America Haters

So I'm sure everyone knows about the Oakland police officers that were killed this week in the line of duty. Well yesterday there was a protest in Oakland in support of the man who shot them down in cold blood. (Read the article here) They accused the police officers of genocide. I'm absolutely appalled that this happens. I'm certain that there are corrupt police officers who take their power to seriously, but the majority of officers are out there to protect and serve. They risk their lives everyday to make sure that we sleep safe at night. It is not a job that I would want and I respect them for doing it.
A couple weeks ago, I got pulled over for speeding home from work. I was ticketed and just got the fine which is $284. Am I upset? Yeah. Do I not want to pay the fine? Yeah, I'm sure I can find something better to do with the money. Was I speeding? Yup, sure was. Do I deserve the ticket? Again yes. I speed pretty much everytime I drive, I also tailgate, change lanes without signaling, roll thru stop signs, you name it. So yeah I deserved the ticket. I don't blame the officer, he's just doing his job. Which is what those officers were doing. They made a routine traffic stop and then were killed!
These men are young and have families that will never see them again. And people are supporting the man who killed them. I'm absolutely outraged that happened. They say that it is a race issue, but that really is an insult to the millions of African-Americans who work hard and are upstanding citizens. And what of African-American officers? Are they racist, too? (Totally off the subject, but does the race card really still work when we have an African-American president?) Bill O'Reilly called these people "America Haters" and I totally agree with him. And yet this protest can only happen because they live in America, so I say lets ship them back to Africa and see how they like it there. Maybe they'd like to go live in the Sudan or Darfur and see what genocide really looks like.