Posted by Jennifer at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: fun
So I'm sure everyone knows about the Oakland police officers that were killed this week in the line of duty. Well yesterday there was a protest in Oakland in support of the man who shot them down in cold blood. (Read the article here) They accused the police officers of genocide. I'm absolutely appalled that this happens. I'm certain that there are corrupt police officers who take their power to seriously, but the majority of officers are out there to protect and serve. They risk their lives everyday to make sure that we sleep safe at night. It is not a job that I would want and I respect them for doing it.
A couple weeks ago, I got pulled over for speeding home from work. I was ticketed and just got the fine which is $284. Am I upset? Yeah. Do I not want to pay the fine? Yeah, I'm sure I can find something better to do with the money. Was I speeding? Yup, sure was. Do I deserve the ticket? Again yes. I speed pretty much everytime I drive, I also tailgate, change lanes without signaling, roll thru stop signs, you name it. So yeah I deserved the ticket. I don't blame the officer, he's just doing his job. Which is what those officers were doing. They made a routine traffic stop and then were killed!
These men are young and have families that will never see them again. And people are supporting the man who killed them. I'm absolutely outraged that happened. They say that it is a race issue, but that really is an insult to the millions of African-Americans who work hard and are upstanding citizens. And what of African-American officers? Are they racist, too? (Totally off the subject, but does the race card really still work when we have an African-American president?) Bill O'Reilly called these people "America Haters" and I totally agree with him. And yet this protest can only happen because they live in America, so I say lets ship them back to Africa and see how they like it there. Maybe they'd like to go live in the Sudan or Darfur and see what genocide really looks like.
Posted by Jennifer at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: current events, opinions
So I have a new project. Well its sort of a project, more like a compilation of projects. I really like to be creative in my own way. Meaning I'm not good at art or drawing or stuff like that, but I really get creative with decorating or cooking or party planning and stuff like that. And I really enjoy doing it. I've been told that I should be a party planner or some other such career, and really, if I knew how to go about it and thought I could be a success at it, I would probably try. But thats probably not gonna happen, so I thought I'd try the next best thing and share some projects I'm working on online. So check them out at flicker-doodles.blogspot.com and let me know what you think.
Posted by Jennifer at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Posted by Jennifer at 7:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: family
Posted by Jennifer at 9:57 AM 0 comments
I posted this awhile ago on myspace, but thought I'd share it here. I have some great stories from work and will be sharing them periodically. Enjoy...
So last night I worked...it was Super Bowl Sunday which in the ER means it will be slow during the game but busy afterwards when all the drunks come out to play. Well it wasn't. It was crazy busy all damn night. So I was wondering why people are so stupid. And what makes them think their stupid behavior is ok. I had a patient who had too much to drink and so decided to call 911. She came in screaming and yelling that she didn't want to be there. Hellooo you called 911 not me, now you can't leave and we're both miserable. But that doesn't mean you get to spit at me when I call security and tie you down, or call me a whore and cu**. And then we had another patient, who was also drunk, who, literally, chewed through her IV tubing and climb out of bed while still attached to blood pressure cuff which was attached to the wall and lay on the floor yelling "they're trying to kill me" while we tried to drag her back to her bed. Oh did I mention she had shit her pants and literally had poop covering her from crotch to shoulders. Yeah she did. As did 2 other patients at that time. Needless to say the ER was a smelly place. When I drove home in the morning, I had that stinky smell stuck in my nose. So now I am exhausted. I've been spit upon, almost bitten and had to clean stanky shit off the drunk who tried to bite me. I've been called a cu** and a whore and told I'd better watch out when I walk to my car in the morning cuz I'm gonna get my ass kicked. And I get to go back tonight and do it all over again...Some one tell me why I chose this profession...
Posted by Jennifer at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: work
Posted by Jennifer at 5:11 PM 0 comments
I was hanging out with my cousin's 3 and a half year old son last week and he asked me a tricky question. I think I handled it pretty well. Here's how it went down.
A: Did you used to be a baby?
J: Yeah, did you?
A: Yeah. I was in my mommy's tummy. Were you in a tummy?
J: Yeah. I was in Tiss' tummy.
A: Why?
J: Because she's my mommy. Jared was in her tummy too.
A: Two babies were in a tummy?!?!
J: We weren't in there at the same time. First Jay was in there, then I was, then Jared.
A: How did you get out of her tummy?
J: God takes babies out of their mommy's tummys when they're done growing.
A: (after thinking about this for a minute): I think I came out her mouth.
Posted by Jennifer at 12:47 PM 0 comments
So on Wednesday my niece to be played a nasty trick on us. My sis in law started having contractions late Tuesday/early Wednesday and was still having them when she was getting ready for work Wed morning. So she decided it was time to go in. When she got there my niece decided she didn't want to come out, and the contractions stopped. My brother called all of us and told us it was time, and then called 2 hours later and said they were on their way home. They had a doc appointment on Friday and were told my sis in law would probably go into labor within the next 24 hours. She's got about 12 hours left, and were still waiting. I'm so excited. I can't wait to get the call.
Posted by Jennifer at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: family
Posted by Jennifer at 1:30 PM 1 comments
Labels: family
Here is a conversation that took place on facebook yesterday. E is an old coworker from Disneyland, J is me, and V is a friend of E's that I dont know.
E: is wondering if same sex marrige can be taken away, who is next? Athiests Jewish? Blue Eyed People? Canadians? Irish? And are Men going to Own Woman again. 12:04pm
J at 12:14pm March 6:
ok you keep posting this so you must want comments on it...so I'll bite. and I'm prepared for the backlash I'm sure to get. I think the issue boils down to this...Christians, in general, and myself included, believe that homosexuality is a choice. and that is what makes the difference with the other cases you pointed out. A person can't choose to be blue eyed, or canadian, or Irish, but a person can choose to be homosexual. and the Bible does not condone homosexuality. that being said...I dont condone violence or hatred toward gays. They are no different than me. We are all sinners. Their sin is just a different sin than mine. No better, no worse.
E at 12:25pm March 6:
Actually, I have changed it a couple time.... Did you choose to be straight?
J at 12:47pm March 6:
No, but being straight is not sin. Being straight is what God created. He created Eve for Adam. He did not create another man for Adam or another woman for Eve.
V at 1:15pm March 6:
I understand that viewpoint, I spent wayyyyy too many years in the Catholic Cult...but those kind of views is exactly why religion is loosing it's "followers" ... How black and white... how judgemental. And the one reference to homosexuality in the Bible can be interpreted, just like every friggin other item, many different ways. I'm so sick of rights of people being imposed upon in the name of God. Who the hell are we (christians, and I do include myself in that bucket, just no longer at mass, but a more liberal ideology) to say someone has to do without LEGAL rights? Ban them from attending church, not being legally protected even if it is a CHOICE ... who the hell cares what someone else does in their private choices? My God, I certainly don't want to be examined that way ;) But I am still a damn good person.
E at 1:28pm March 6:
Leave it to Jen to open a can of worms... LOL, Jen and I have always had a mutual respect to agree to disagree on numerous issue. That is why I do respect her so much, cause she is fun to debate with.....Whit that said, and being raised in a Christian environment, I couldn't agree more that the bible states that. But I do believe the bible being written in the words of the deciples and that is the interpretation of their word of God, and not God's actual word. But all that aside.. The state of California has taken then religious sanction of marriage and made it law. Due to the constitutional right of the separation of church and state, the state cannot uphold the religious beliefs in law. Legally anyone should be able to marry any human being they wish to under that law, but I do believe the Church has every right to deny them marriage in the eyes of god
J at 4:18pm March 6:
1. I disagree that Christianity is losing its “followers” (your word not mine). My church is full every week as are the churches of friends and family. But that’s not really the point here. 2. There are several references to homosexuality in the Bible. Here’s a few to get you started…Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Genesis 19:1-13. If you don’t have a Bible let me know and I can post the text for ya.
J at 4:18pm March 6:
3. As far as rights being imposed upon, Christians have had their rights imposed upon for years, and who is standing up for our rights. What about the rights of the football coach who now cannot bow his head while his team is praying? He is not leading the prayer, he is not saying a word, the student athletes are the ones doing the praying. He is simply bowing his head as a sign of respect and the court said he can no longer do that. What about the rights of the Christian photographer in New Mexico who was sued for discrimination because she would not photograph a lesbian wedding? It went against her beliefs, but no one stood up for her rights. And the doctor who was sued for refusing to inseminate a lesbian couple, the judge told him to find a different profession, what about his rights? Or the church that had to stop holding weddings on their property because they were sued for refusing to allow a gay wedding at their facility? Who is standing up for these people’s rights?
J at 4:19pm March 6:
4. Christians do believe that the Bible is the written word of God. Not the disciples, or anyone else’s, interpretation of His words. Galatians 1:11-12; Revelation 22:18-19; Deuteronomy 4:2; 5. Separation of church and state…..this phrase never actually appears in the constitution. It was first used by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Danbury Baptist Church. The phrase as it is used today is grossly misinterpreted….. “The "wall of separation between church and State" is a metaphor based on bad history, a metaphor which has proved useless as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and explicitly abandoned.” – Chief Justice William Rehnquist
E at 5:07pm March 6:
Jen, You know how to stick to your guns... and I have always admired you for it. I may have been mistaken when I quoted from the constitution about the separation of church and state, but it has been a legal presidence set forth by the court for years. I will have to say that the ultimate argument here is the deformation for the term marriage if a same sex couples are aloud to marry, but what it comes down to is that in the eyes of God, I feel marriage should be between a man and a woman, but in the eyes of the state it shouldn't. I know that the last thing the LGBT community wants it to smear the name if religious marriage, therefor leaving it intact. What we are seaking is the same legal right. I agree with a lot of what you say which is why it is very difficult for me. I am still a very strong believer in the Christian word, and am forced to either lie to everyone around me and myself about who I am.... or sin. Its a lesser of two evils.
E at 5:09pm March 6:
This isn't a life I chose, who would choose a life of ridicule and outcast? Especially when they are Christian? As a gay man, I just want to be married legally, If that is not in Gods plan for me then so be it, and things will work out the way they do. But whether or not the gets overturned,
E at 5:12pm March 6:
And as for standing up for the rights of the Christian people, I am ashamed to hear that the Christian people have not stood behind those who have been violated as the LGBT community stands behind those who have been. Maybe as Christians we need to be more vigilant in how we are treated, but I do not feel that the legal standing of this matter, hurts the Christian church. It does not force anyone to accept it, except for the state of California's legal system.
J at 6:39pm March 6:
Evan, I respect your opinion and am glad that we can have this discussion without turning it into some childish, name-calling argument as so often happens when talking about such personal things. I disagree with you on your final point. I think this does hurt the Christian church. Re-read my point #3. I know that my church, which does about 100 weddings a year in our chapel, is concerned that we may have to limit it solely to members of our church for fear that if we refuse to allow a gay/lesbian wedding we would be sued for discrimination. I know pastors are concerned about the same thing (being required to perform weddings for same sex couples). Homosexuality goes against our beliefs, whether or not you believe it is not the point in this arguement, it is against our beliefs. Why is upholding our beliefs not just as important as upholding the beliefs of the gay community?
J at 6:44pm March 6:
My other issue with the whole taking it before the supreme court thing is this... the people of CA have voted twice to ban same sex marriage.It is obviously what the majority want at this time. If it is overturned...that is just saying to the people that what we want doesnt matter. Why bother holding elections at all then? The people have expressed their wishes, why not wait til the next election and put it up for a vote again? Again, I respect you, and hope you know that this has nothing to do with you personally. I think you're a nice guy, I had fun working with you at D-land, I don't care if you are gay, I don't think it makes you a better or worse person than me, I just don't want my rights being infringed on either. =)
Posted by Jennifer at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: current events, opinions
I am sure that if people actually read this blog, I would probably take alot of flak for my next post. It is a very controversial subject these days, but one that I feel strongly about. The supreme court yesterday heard arguments for and against overturning proposition 8. In case you've been living under a rock lately, prop 8 is the one that made gay marriage illegal. I voted for prop 8, as did the majority of California voters. Actually California voters essentially voted for this proposition twice, a similar proposition passed a few years ago, but was overturned by the CA Supreme Court.
I want to make this clear from the beginning, I am not for violence or hatred towards homosexuals. I do believe that homosexuality is a sin, but that it is no worse than any other sin (except, of course, the one unforgivable sin and that is denying Christ as the Son of God). I believe that homosexuality is a choice, not a biological thing. I believe this is the root of all the conflict, if homosexuality is a choice then it can be a sin. If it is not a choice, it is purely biological (like race or gender) then one cannot be punished for being homosexual. But I believe it is a choice. And I believe it is a sin. Here is my proof that it is a sin, here is what the Bible says about homosexuality...
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.
Leviticus 18:22
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.
Leviticus 20:13
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Romans 1:26-27
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Some people say that we should just let gay marriage be allowed because it does not affect us, but I disagree. Christians are affected by this. If Prop 8 is overturned, churches that do not hold gay weddings can be sued for discrimination. This is already happening. A Christian photographer in New Mexico that refused to photograph a gay wedding was sued for discrimination. A Christian doctor that refused to artificially inseminate a lesbian couple, but referred them to a doctor that would and did perform the procedure successfully, was also sued for discrimination. The judge told him to find a different profession.
Again, I just want to make clear that I am not condoning violence or hatred towards homosexuals. I do not believe they are evil people. I believe that they are sinners, just like me, their sin is just different than mine. But I believe that as Christians we must stand up for what we believe. If Prop 8 passes, my rights, and my church's rights, will be infringed on. And that, I believe, is worth fighting for. So I hope the Supreme Court listens to the voice of the people of California and upholds Prop 8.
Posted by Jennifer at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: current events, opinions
I went to the Chris Tomlin concert last night. It was at the Gibson Amphitheatre and it was AMAZING! We had great seats. He put on a fantastic show. The theatre holds roughly 3000 people and they were all on their feet for the whole 2 hour show. The video above is not from our show but he did this song and it was awesome. It made me cry! So moving. He also sang a new song from his newest album with a childrens choir from Uganda. They were so cute. So full of energy. I video'd it on my phone and was planning on putting it on here, but the sound quality is horrible. So I'll try to find it on youtube some where. You can find out more about Chris and his music here.
Posted by Jennifer at 4:30 PM 0 comments