Saturday, February 21, 2009

On the road to recovery...

I just got back from spending the night at my grandparents house and thought I'd take the time to update everyone on how my grandma is doing. (For those that aren't aware, my grandma had to have surgery 2 weeks ago and has been requiring a little extra help at night so my mom and I have been taking turns spending the night to help out) So grandma is doing better. She doesn't really need help at night anymore, I think its just reassuring to her to know that someone is there if she does need help. But I think she's gonna be ok on her own now. She's going to start having physical therapy next week, and is going for ultrasound next week as well to see if she needs to have the stent placed in the other kidney. We are hopeful that she won't need this. She definitely seems to be in better spirits and is definitely trying to get better everyday. We're continuing to pray for a good recovery and are waiting for word on when she can have the next surgery that she will need.
On a similar note an old friends mom had surgery on wednesday and had an amazing outcome, so praise God for that good news.
PS: The pics are my little cousin while we were waiting for my grandma to get out of surgery. We tortured the little guy to keep us entertained. Don't worry he got his revenge by making all of us ride up and down the elevator for a couple hours. =)