Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Life List

I had originally posted this on myspace a few years ago, but this year I'm really trying to work on these goals, so I decided to post it here too....

So I read an article in last months Cosmo about this woman who died in the WTC on Sept 11th. Last year her mom found this list she had made of things she hoped to accomplish in her life. So I decided to make my own. Some of the things on here are silly and trivial, some of them are going to take awhile. There are obviously other goals that I have (like getting married and having kids) but I have no control over those. These I can do on my own. So here it is, in no particular order...

1. Be more self confident
2. Be more careful with who I trust
3. Learn to knit
4. Tell my family I love them more often
5. Be a better friend
6. Europe
7. Workout more
8. Learn to say no without feeling guilty
9. Go back to school
10. Learn to speak Spanish
11. Be more educated about politics
12. Shop less and save more money
13. Australia
14. Be a better listener
15. Fear rejection less
16. Be more independent
17. Take a trip by myself
18. Volunteer with a charity
19. Read and study the Bible
20. Become more tolerant of other people
21. Worry less what other people think of me
22. Be less judgemental
23. Ski more
24. Be more assertive
25. Go to the beach more
26. Gossip less
27. Read everyday
28. Trust the Lord's plan in my life more
29. Learn to scuba dive
30. South America
31. Always keep improving
32. Be more forgiving
33. Don't be so hard on myself when I make a mistake
34. Ride my bike
35. Drink more water
36. Try new foods
37. Go see Elvis
38. Go back to DC and spend some time there
39. Appreciate the simple things in life
40. Be more thankful
41. Learn to play tennis
42. Go sailing
43. Costa Rica
44. Never be ashamed of who I am
45. Live a life to be proud of

So it's a work in progress. I am sure that I will be adding things to it as time goes on. But at least now I know what I striving for...