So I was watching the news this morning while eating my Lucky Charms and a few stories caught my attention and made me wonder. So I thought I'd share them here...
1. The House passed the stimulus bill. The official bill was still being written last night. The final draft is 1000 pages long and 8 inches thick... how did anyone read this to know what they are voting for? How do they know that something that they are against didn't get stuck in there at the last minute? How do we know that we are not paying a million dollars a day to relocate endangered ants or some other stupid thing like that?
2. What happened to Obama's campaign promise to put all bills that cross his desk on the White House website for the people to view for 5 days before he signs anything? This bill is not on the website, and the child healthcare reform bill was not on the website either. He's been in office for a few weeks and he's already breaking campaign promises.
3. The state of California is going to vote on its budget this weekend. Which means maybe I'll finally get back the money I've been loaning the state in the form of overpaid income taxes. But anyway... they say that taxes will be raised and programs will be cut. So if I'm paying more money and people are getting less services, where is the extra money going? More money is coming in in the form of taxes, and less is going out in the form of government programs so somebody must be stashing alot of money under their mattress for our collective "rainy day", right?
4. One of the increased taxes in the California budget is a 12 cent gas tax increase. Oil by the barrel is at the cheapest its been in YEARS. Down over a $100 a barrel from last summers high price, so why am I paying more a gallon than I was last month, or the month before (50cents more a gallon than I paid in December). Shouldn't gas prices be the lowest they've been in years as well? I'm thinking we should be paying around a buck a gallon, not more than 2 bucks. And now OPEC is gonna have a meeting and slow down production? What the hell? If they can produce that much oil then why not produce it? Why cut production, just to raise prices? Ridiculous
5. So the doctor that implanted embryos in the Octo-mom is under fire for implanting 7 embryos in another lady who is now pregnant with quadruplets at age 49. The woman is in the hospital now on bedrest. This one is employed but doesn't have health insurance. So how did she pay for the implantation? And yeah maybe she didn't want quads, but she had to know that was a possiblilty implanting 7 embyos. And how was she planning on paying for the delivery and care of the one kid without insurance? Now not only are Californians paying for the Octo-moms kids, we are also gonna be paying for this lady's kids, who having a 49 year old mom, and being quads are gonna be at huge risk for developmental delays and probably need lots of healthcare. Ridiculous.
Anyway just a few thoughts for today. Hope someone has the answers...