Friday, April 30, 2010

Flashback Friday

So with all the hubub about immigration, and what's constitutional, I thought I'd post a flashback pic from my first trip to DC. Unfortunately, the only pic from that trip that I have scanned is not a great one, but I'm gonna post it anyway. So it's me and a cute Air Force boy on the steps of the capital building. It was August 1999. We did a trip to NYC, DC, Philadelphia, Gettysburg, and Pennsylvania Dutch Country, and we did it all in 7 days. We did not get much sleep! So on this night we went to the capital building to watch the Air Force band give a concert. After the concert we were just hanging out on the lawn and we saw fireflies! It was the first time I had seen fireflies. So Mom taught us how to smack them so they would keep glowing. We were catching fireflies on the front lawn of the capital building, it was a surreal moment. Anyway, I'll try to scan some more pics from that trip, it really was an awesome vacation!