Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

In 1918, on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month of the year, WWI came to an end. November 11th, was proclaimed Armistice Day in honor of the returning soldiers. It was later renamed to Veterans Day to honor soldiers from all wars. Today, we thank our American Soldiers. We cannot be thankful enough for the sacrifices they have made, and continue to make. They are a rare bunch, and make me proud to be an American. No matter where I am, when I see a soldier in uniform, I feel a surge of pride.
And today, I had an idea. Just bear with me here. So I blame alot of today's problems on two things, 1. the failure of the nuclear family. Children today are raised without fathers, and boys don't have strong men to set examples for them. The men my age and younger today, are no better than the boys they were 15 years ago. Seems like they reach age 13 and don't mature any further, and that I blame on the collapse of families today. The other thing that I believe leads to society's problems today,  is an overwhelming attitude of entitlement. People today believe that society owes them something just for being. People don't want to work for anything, they want it handed to them. They think that just because they were born poor, or a minority, that they are deserving of more. And its not just the poor and minorities. I have friends that have been blessed with many things in life, who think their parents should work hard and buy them things. They don't want to go out and work hard on their own. They want a fancy house, fancy cars, fancy clothes, the best new cell phone, all things they can't afford. And they are not grateful for the things they do have, such as a roof over their head, food on the table, and warm clothes when it is cold.
So here's my solution to these problems... mandatory military service. Call me crazy, but it could work. I'm sure if young men had to spend a year in the military, with strong examples set for them on how to behave and act like a man, things would improve. If they had to sleep in the dirt, and eat MREs for dinner, I'm sure they would be grateful for their beds, and mom's homecooking.
I'm sure you noticed that I said young men right? And you're asking why not women too. Well, I'm old fashioned. And really, I think having strong men, who stay with their family, and raise strong, self-confident sons, and especially daughters, will make a huge difference in this world.
It's just an idea, and I know it would never happen here in America, but really think about it, and I'm sure you will think it would work too.