Friday was a bit of a freaky day for me....
I very rarely remember my dreams, and I can't tell you how long it's been since I've had a nightmare, maybe when I was a kid, but it's been years. Anyway so I went to bed Thursday night listening to the TV like I always do, Nick at Nite so nothing scary. I woke up at 3:06 when the satellite turned off to update like it does everynight. I turned the TV off and went back to sleep. I woke up at 3:13 in a total panic. I had had a dream that someone had come into my room and was trying to steal me out of my bed. They had picked me up out of my bed and were carrying me out the window. I woke up totally freaked out and with my heart racing. It felt so real because I didn't even remember falling asleep, so I thought that it had really happened. It had only been a few minutes since I fell back asleep. I laid in bed for a few hours before I calmed down enough to go back to sleep. It was getting light out before I closed my eyes again.
So then, I was gone all day on Friday. When I left it was such a nice day out, that I left the front window open. When I came home, it was dark out, and I noticed that the screen was broken. Not just broken, but smashed and hanging from the frame. I had a voicemail from my neighbor that I hadn't listened to, until that moment, and he said that he noticed the screen broken at about 5pm and so he reached in and closed the glass so that my cat wouldn't get out, but that he didn't know how the screen got broken. So then I was really worried because I thought someone might be hiding in there. So I called my parents and they came and we checked out the house and all was ok, but still it was a bit of a freaky day. I thought the man from my dream had broken in and was waiting under my bed to steal me. Very scary.

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