A friend of mine posts a picture from the past every Friday on her facebook. The only criteria is it has to be a picture that pre-dates digital cameras. (Remember the days when you had to wait to get a roll of film to be developed before you got to see the pictures. I miss those days, there was something exciting about finding out what pictures you got. There was always a surprise in there. Not so with digitals.) Anyway it has to be an old picture that you scan in. I have tons of pictures and need to get to scanning them into digital, so this is my motivation.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Flashback Friday
Posted by Jennifer at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: flashback
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A new challenge
Fifteen days ago, my mom and I were in the kitchen at my parents house talking when my dad came in. He was coughing and looking for some cold medicine. My mom told him he was starting to sound like my aunt, who has been a smoker for years and has a horrible smoker's cough. (She probably has emphysema.) So anyway, my dad said it was just a cold, but my mom and I told him it was from his smoking. (For a long time, he's done this weird clearing his throat thing, but has never really had a "smoker's cough." This is new for him.) I'm not sure how long he has smoked, but he is 60 years old, so it's probably been close to 45 years. That day he decided to quit. It's been 15 days and he hasn't had so much as one cigarrette. Cold turkey. My mom told him she would go get him the patch or gum or that new medicine chantix, but he said no. He's been sucking on Werther's candies to help him get thru. I'm so proud of him. I never thought he would do it. I hope and pray that he keeps going strong.
And if he can do it, I can do it. I'm not a smoker but I could stand to lose a few pounds. Ok, maybe more than a few. So I'm gonna do it. I took my first spin class ever today. And although I couldn't totally keep up with the rest of the people in the class, I did complete it. All 50 minutes. I may not have stood up all the times they did, but I never stopped pedaling.
Tomorrow I'm gonna make my dad oatmeal raisin cookies. They're his favorite, and now that his taste buds and sense of smell should be coming back, I'm sure they'll be tastier than ever. (I don't like raisins, so no worries about me eating them, and failing on my end!)
I'm proud of my dad, and hopefully one day, I'll be proud of myself for losing a bunch of weight. Here's hoping we both keep going strong.
Posted by Jennifer at 2:32 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A little scary...
Friday was a bit of a freaky day for me....
I very rarely remember my dreams, and I can't tell you how long it's been since I've had a nightmare, maybe when I was a kid, but it's been years. Anyway so I went to bed Thursday night listening to the TV like I always do, Nick at Nite so nothing scary. I woke up at 3:06 when the satellite turned off to update like it does everynight. I turned the TV off and went back to sleep. I woke up at 3:13 in a total panic. I had had a dream that someone had come into my room and was trying to steal me out of my bed. They had picked me up out of my bed and were carrying me out the window. I woke up totally freaked out and with my heart racing. It felt so real because I didn't even remember falling asleep, so I thought that it had really happened. It had only been a few minutes since I fell back asleep. I laid in bed for a few hours before I calmed down enough to go back to sleep. It was getting light out before I closed my eyes again.
So then, I was gone all day on Friday. When I left it was such a nice day out, that I left the front window open. When I came home, it was dark out, and I noticed that the screen was broken. Not just broken, but smashed and hanging from the frame. I had a voicemail from my neighbor that I hadn't listened to, until that moment, and he said that he noticed the screen broken at about 5pm and so he reached in and closed the glass so that my cat wouldn't get out, but that he didn't know how the screen got broken. So then I was really worried because I thought someone might be hiding in there. So I called my parents and they came and we checked out the house and all was ok, but still it was a bit of a freaky day. I thought the man from my dream had broken in and was waiting under my bed to steal me. Very scary.

Posted by Jennifer at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: life
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I went to the beach today! Yup, the beach, in October. And it was absolutely beautiful! Aiden and I went with my friend from work and her little girl. The kids had a blast playing in the water, while Nell and I sat in the sand and enjoyed the warm sun. I'm sure all the people in the rest of the country who are freezing in their snow boots are jealous! And it's supposed to be warm all week. 80's and balmy...perfect fall weather. :)
PS: I'd have pictures, but I left my camera in the car :(
Posted by Jennifer at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Time flies!

My niece is 7 months old today. I can't believe that it's been 7 months, and that it's only been 7 months. I love her so much. Seriously, she is the best baby. She's so happy, until she gets hungry then she let's you know it! But otherwise she's perfectly content playing with her toys. She's not a big fan of tummy time, so we think she's gonna skip crawling and go straight to walking. She loves chewing on everything. We gave her a tupperware lid and she chewed on that thing all day! I love her so much and cannot imagine my life without her. I only wish she lived closer!
Posted by Jennifer at 8:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: family
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I knew I was her favorite
My mom and I were sorting through some of my grandma's jewelry the other day. She had a ton of stuff and we were sorting it out to separate the good stuff from the costume stuff. Anyway my mom came across a locket, which was in typical grandmotherly fashion, big and gaudy and straight from the '80's. My mom opened the locket and immediately started crying. I asked her who was in the picture, but she just kept crying. I thought it must be either her, or my grandpa, until she handed it to me. It was my picture in there, I think it was my kindergarten school picture. I always knew I was her favorite. =)

Posted by Jennifer at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: family
Monday, October 12, 2009
I'm so excited
The Angels are going to the ALCS. Yippee! It's very exciting around here. They swept the Sox which no one expected them to do. I didn't get to go to any of the games, because I was in pain all week. (See post below) But I'm hoping to go to one game this series. Hopefully they can kick the Yankees a$$e$. I can't stand the Yankees. Go Angels!!!
My favorite current Angel, Mike Napoli :)
Posted by Jennifer at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: current events, life
Thursday, October 8, 2009
I'm adopting
For the last few days my back has been killing me. I've come to the conclusion that it's a kidney stone. And, oh my golly does it hurt. If having kids is worse than this, I'm adopting for sure. I have never felt pain like this. My whole back hurts, I can barely walk. And everytime I try to pee, the pain just intensifies to unbearable. Then my back is so stiff I can barely get up off the toilet. I know, it's more info than you wanted to know, but too bad, I like to share. Anyway, I'm hoping to give birth to this stone soon, and then to be pain free. I'll let you know when the happy day arrives. :)
Posted by Jennifer at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: life