Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I had intended to do this post all about how this was the first Mother's Day without my grandma and all that, but I changed my mind after I went to Utah this weekend. Jay and Jared wanted to go hunting, but they were going during the week and Mandie had to work, so I went along to watch Chloe.
I have babysat tons of kids, ever since I was about 12 years old. And I have even watched my cousin's kids for a weekend when they went out of town. But I either only watched them for a day, or I had someone else to watch them with me. This time, it was just me. Morning til night. I had no idea how much work a 13 month old can be. She's up at 7 AM, we had a cuddle while watching Dora first thing. But then it was go, go, go...all day long. Play time, then breakfast, then more playtime while I was making breakfast, all the time trying to keep an eye on her. After breakfast was a bath, and then, thank goodness, nap time. But it was nap time just for her. This was my one chance to get a shower. Then I scarfed down some breakfast myself, and cleaned up the mess. By this time, she was up again. Playing and then lunching and constantly following me, wondering what I was doing. Oh my golly! By the time bedtime came around at 8, I was ready to put myself to bed too. She just wore me out!
But, oh those little moments...when I was making lunch and her little smiling face peeked around the corner...when pushing her on the swing and listening to her laugh...when we were laying on the floor playing and she pointed out my eyes, nose, and teeth, and knew where her own were as well. When rocking her to sleep, and she turned and cuddled up in my arms, and gave that little sigh that meant she was truly asleep, peaceful, happy and content. Those little moments more than made up for the fact that I hadn't worn makeup in 3 days, my hair had been in a ponytail for 3 days, and I couldn't get dora's songs out of my head. Life, and motherhood, is all about those moments.
Thanks, to all the moms out there. And a big thanks to my mom, who did that with three kids. I love you Mom!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tales from the ER...

Just a quick one here....

My patient last night tried to kill himself. (And don't get all outraged, I'm not making fun of people who try to commit suicide, only those who are bad at it! Ok, ok, that's not funny either! Sorry!) Anyway he tried to hang himself. He said that he is on narcotic pain meds for chronic back pain, but that they are weaning him off the meds. So he usually takes one half of a pill every day. Well last night he wanted another half pill, but since his wife wouldn't give it to him he decided to hang himself. He went out to the garage, climbed up on the counter, and put an electrical cord around his neck. He tied the cord to a pipe running over head and jumped off the counter. The problem? He's 6' 7'' and the cord was too long. So the police arrived and he was just standing there, with the cord around his neck. The police cut the cord, but he started fighting with them, so they tazed him.
Then they brought him into the ER. After the police left him there, he became aggressive and started yelling and swinging at people. So we tied him down, and then we gave him meds to sedate him.
So, he failed at trying to kill himself, got tazed, got tied to the bed, and got a catheter. And still didn't get his other half of the pain pill! And you thought you had a bad day!